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 hpa何設(shè)計(jì)(前稱(chēng):何顯毅建築工程師樓地產(chǎn)發(fā)展顧問(wèn)有限公司)於1980年成立,在 1992年成為香港特別行政區(qū)政府建築署之建築顧問(wèn)名單中之〝一級(jí)顧問(wèn)〞並成為香港首間獲得品質(zhì)保證局頒發(fā)國(guó)際ISO9001品質(zhì)認(rèn)證之本地建築師樓,並於2004年在英國(guó)出版的 《世界建築導(dǎo)報(bào)World Architecture》全球200強(qiáng)建築師樓中排名第47位,其設(shè)計(jì)作品曾榮獲多個(gè)設(shè)計(jì)獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng),其中包括在2012獲取BCI亞洲十大建築設(shè)計(jì)公司獎(jiǎng)(BCI Asia Top 10 Awards for 2012)。



Introduction to hpa(Short Version)

hpa (previous known as Ho & Partners Architects Engineers & Development Consultants Limited) was founded in 1980. In 1992, hpa became one of the Band 1 architectural consultants in the Hong Kong SAR government’s list of consultants and was also the 1st local architectural practice in Hong Kong to receive ISO 9001 certification from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Association. In 2004, hpa was placed 47 in UK published “World Architecture” magazine’s list of the world’s top 200 architectural practices. Many projects have received various design awards along the way, which including one of the top 10 Asian architectural practices in the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards in 2012.

hpa has completed projects in more than 40 cities across six countries (including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Southeast Asia, North Korea, India and the Middle East), with a combined floor area of over 70,000,000 square meters. Projects include large-scale townships, public housing, hillside buildings, luxury residential, office buildings, corporate headquarters, 5 star hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, airports and railway station-related projects, universities, libraries, cultural centres, museums, sports centres, entertainment centres and industrial undertakings. These also include large-scale city planning projects ranging from 5 to 500 square kilometres in Mainland China and India.

  • 所在地區(qū):廣東-深圳市-羅湖區(qū)
  • 聯(lián)系人:楊小姐
  • 手機(jī):
  • 郵箱:會(huì)員登錄后才可查看
  • 郵政編碼:518000
  • 地址:深圳市羅湖區(qū)人民南路2010號(hào)深圳發(fā)展中心31層
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